Marine Applications of Paxman Diesel Engines
Royal Navy and Overseas Navies - Surface Ships

The main section of this page lists Royal Navy ships that were, or are, fitted with Paxman diesel engines either for propulsion or auxiliary duties. The second main section of the page lists some of the overseas navies for which Paxman has supplied engines.

Link to Royal Navy websitePaxman has had a long association with the Royal Navy going back to before the Second World War. During World War 2 the Company supplied around 7,000 engines to the Admiralty for propulsion and generating duties.

The importance of the relationship to each party becomes strikingly clear when one looks at the large number of surface ships, listed below, for which Paxman has supplied diesel engines. The Company also built many engines for Royal Navy Submarines, as described elsewhere on this website. The following surface ship listings are not claimed to be complete and comprehensive. Additional information, suggested amendments and corrections would be welcome - see Contact page.

The Ministry of Defence is well-known for demanding the highest levels of technical specification and performance in its equipment procurement. It is testament to the quality of Paxman's engineering that the Royal Navy has relied so heavily on the Company's engines, in war and peace, for over seventy years.

Guidance on understanding the Paxman engine type codes used below can be found on the page Identifying Paxman Diesel Engine Types. Technical information on all the engines, except the earliest, can be found on the page Paxman Diesel Engines since 1934.


Minesweepers - Halcyon Class

Engines (per vessel): One 3MZS auxiliary, rated 80 bhp at 800 rpm continuous, driving a generator set.

The vessels were built in 1934: Halcyon and Skipjack by John Brown & Co, Harrier and Hussar by John Thornycroft & Co.

HMS Halcyon
HMS Skipjack      
HMS Harrier
HMS Hussar      

Destroyers - Tribal Class

Engines: 4RQ auxiliaries driving 30kW generator sets. (Tribal Class Destroyers for the Canadian Navy had 6RW auxiliaries driving 60kW sets.)

HMS Afridi (F07)
HMS Ashanti (F51)
HMS Bedouin (F67)
HMS Cossack (F03)      
HMS Eskimo (F75)
HMS Gurkha (F20)
HMS Maori (F24)
HMS Mashona (F59)
HMS Matabele (F26)      
HMS Mohawk (F31)
HMS Nubian (F36)
HMS Punjabi (F21)
HMS Sikh (F82)
HMS Somali (F33)      
HMS Tartar (F43)
HMS Zulu (F18)

Most of Class launched c.1937 and commissioned c.1938. 12 of the 16 were sunk during WW2.

Battle Cruiser - Renown Class

Engines: Two 6RX, driving 300kW auxiliary generating sets at 900 rpm. The orders for the two sets were placed on 27th January 1937 for delivery "without fail" by 30/06/37. These sets were Paxman Contract Nos 19083 and 19084 and had DC generators of GEC manufacture. It was specified that these generators should be interchangeable with the turbine driven machines, like those on the Edinburgh Class cruisers described below.

HMS Renown      

HMS Renown was a World War 1 ship, built by Fairfield at Govan. Entering service in late 1916, she underwent a major refit in 1937-38 at HM Dockyard, Portsmouth, during which the two 6RX generating sets were installed.

Cruisers - Edinburgh Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 6RX engines of cast iron construction, each driving a DC generator by Allen. The four generating sets for HMS Edinburgh and HMS Belfast were ordered on 9th March 1937: Paxman Contract Nos 19161 and 19162 for Edinburgh, with delivery date specified as 'by 01/10/37'; Nos 19163 and 19164 for Belfast with delivery date specified as 'by 30/09/37'. The generators were rated at 300kW Continuous output each, with a 2-hour Overload rating of 330kW. It was noted that the armatures had to be interchangeable with the armatures of the turbine driven generators on board these vessels. From this it is presumed that the turbine driven generators were also 300kW at 900 rpm.

HMS Edinburgh was built by The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company Ltd. HMS Belfast was built by Harland and Wolff Ltd. During HMS Belfast's refit in 1959, the two 6RX engines were replaced by two Paxman 12YHAZ auxiliaries (one still in good order as at August 2005).

HMS Edinburgh      
HMS Belfast

Ordered by the Admiralty in 1936, these were enlarged and improved versions of the large light Southampton Class cruisers. HMS Edinburgh was sunk in May 1942. HMS Belfast, launched in 1938 and commissioned in 1939, remained in Royal Navy service until 1965. Now berthed on the south bank of the Thames, between London Bridge and Tower Bridge, she is in the care of the Imperial War Museum. For more details of the ship, opening times and events, go to

Battleships - King George V Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 6RX, driving 300kW auxiliary generating sets at 900 rpm. Those for King George V were ordered in November 1937 and delivered December 1938. Those for Prince of Wales were ordered in March 1938 and delivered March 1939. The Paxman contract numbers for these four engines were 50008 to 50011.

HMS King George V
HMS Prince of Wales      

HMS Prince of Wales was lost in action in December 1941.

Admiralty 52½' Harbour Service Launches

Engines : 6MRW, 100 bhp at 1,000 rpm, for main propulsion.
Engine orders placed in June and December 1939. 10 engines to Sittingbourne Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Sittingbourne, Kent, 2 to Herbert Woods of Potter Heigham, Norfolk.


The largest proportion of engines built by Paxman for the Admiralty during the War were just over 3,500 12TPM main propulsion engines for Tank Landing Craft. The others, apart from submarine engines, were mainly auxiliaries for electrical power generation. The latter included hundreds of 30 kW, 40 kW, 50 kW and 60 kW, generator sets for destroyers, corvettes, frigates, gunboats, minesweepers, LCG(M)s and LCT8s as well as more powerful generators, up to 300 kW output, for battleships and cruisers, depot ships, and aircraft carriers. Taking all these into account, Paxman was by far the largest producer of main and auxiliary diesel engines for the Admiralty during the War. The following listings of WW2 ships fitted with Paxman engines broadly follow the order in which the relevant engine orders appear in the January 1938 to June 1947 Paxman order book.

Destroyers - N Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 4RW, each 80 bhp at 1,000 rpm, driving 50 kW Allen generators.
Engines ordered September 1939. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Napier (G97)
HMS Nerissa (G65)      
HMS Nestor (G02)
HMS Nizam (G38)      
HMS Noble (G84)
HMS Nonpareil
HMS Norman (G47)      
HMS Norseman

Destroyers - O Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 4RQ, each 48 bhp at 1,100 rpm, driving 30 kW Allen generators.
Engines ordered September 1939. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Obdurate (G39)      
HMS Obedient (G48)
HMS Observer
HMS Offa (G29)
HMS Onslaught (G04)      
HMS Onslow
HMS Opportune (G80)      
HMS Orwell (G98)

Destroyers - P Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 4RQ, each 48 bhp at 1,100 rpm, driving 30 kW Allen generators.
Engines ordered March 1940. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Panther (G41)
HMS Partridge (G30)      
HMS Pathfinder (G10)      
HMS Penn (G77)
HMS Persistent
HMS Porcupine (G93)      

Destroyers - R Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 5RW, driving auxiliary generators.
The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Racehorse (H11)      
HMS Raider (H15)
HMS Rapid (H32)
HMS Redoubt (H41)
HMS Relentless (H85)      
HMS Rocket (H92)
HMS Roebuck (H95)
HMS Rotherham (H09)      

Between 1949 and 1952 four of the above were fitted with RPH Series I auxiliaries. Relentless and Rocket were each given three 6RPHZ, each 250 bhp at 1,000 rpm, driving a Laurence Scott & Electromotors 150 kW, 225 volt, DC generator. Rapid had two 12RPHZ, and Roebuck three 12RPHZ.

Destroyers - S Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 5RW, driving auxiliary generators.
Engines delivered between November 1942 and April 1943. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Saumarez (G12)      
HMS Savage (G20)
HMS Scorpion (G72)
HMS Scourge (G01)      
HMS Serapis (G94)
HMS Shark
HMS Success (G26)      
HMS Swift (G 46)

Corvettes/Frigates - River Class

Engines (per vessel): One 6RW driving a 60kW auxiliary generator set at 1,000rpm.

The Paxman order book describes the vessels as Corvettes but other sources show them as Frigates. There were other ships in the class and perhaps they received 6RW generator sets from engines entered in the order book as spares. The book does not show a date for the early orders but those for later batches are dated March and July 1942, and October 1943. Most of the 6RW engines for these vessels were supplied during 1942 and 1943. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Aire (K262)
HMS Annan
HMS Avon (K97)
HMS Awe (K526)
HMS Ballinderry (K255)      
HMS Bann (K256)
L'Aventure (* FF)
HMS Cam (K264)
HMS Chelmer (K221)
HMS Dart (K21)
HMS Derg (K257)
HMS Deveron (K265)
HMS Dovey (K523)
HMS Ettrick (K254)
HMS Exe (K92)
HMS Fal (K266)
L'Escarmouche (* FF)
HMS Halladale (K417)
HMS Helford (K252)
HMS Helmsdale (K253)
HMS Itchen (K227)
HMS Jed (K235)
HMS Kale (K241)
HMS Lagan (K259)
HMS Meon (K269)
HMS Monnow (K441)
HMS Mourne (K261)
HMS Moyola (K260)
HMS Nadder (K392)
HMS Nene (K270)
HMS Ness (K219)
HMS Nith (K215)
HMS Odzani (K356)
HMS Plym (K271)
HrMs Johan Maurits van Nassau (* RNN)      
HMS Ribble (K525)
HMS Rother (K224)
HMS Spey (K246)
HMS Strule
HMS Swale (K217)
HMS Taff (K637)
HMS Tavy (K272)
HMS Tay (K232)
HMS Tees (K293)
HMS Teme (K458)
HMS Test (K239)
HMS Teviot (K222)
HMS Torridge (K292)
HMS Towy (K294)
HMS Trent (K243)
HMS Tweed (K250)
HMS Waveney (K248)
HMS Wear (K230)
HMS Windrush (K370)      
HMS Wye (K371)

* FF - allocated to the Free French Navy. * RNN - allocated to the Royal Netherland Navy.

Minesweepers - Algerine Class

Engines (per vessel): One 5RW driving a 50 kW auxiliary generator set at 1,000 rpm, and/or two B4 Impulse sets, each powered by a 6RW producing 160/128 bhp at 1,500/1,200 rpm. Deliveries of engines commenced in May 1942. Vessels recorded in the Paxman order book include:

HMS Brave (J273)
HMS Cadmus (J230)
HMS Cheerful (J388)
HMS Cockatrice (J229)      
HMS Coquette (J350)
HMS Courier (J349)
HMS Fancy
HMS Fly (J306)
HMS Franklin
HMS Hound (J307)
HMS Hydra (J275)
HMS Larne
HMS Lennox
HMS Orestes (J277)
HMS Pelorus (J291)
HMS Postillion (J296)      
HMS Rattlesnake (J297)      
HMS Ready (J223)
HMS Regulus (J327)
HMS Serene (J354)
HMS Skipjack
HMS Vestal (J215)

Submarine Depot Ship

Engines (per vessel): Five 5RW, 1,000 rpm 50 bhp, driving auxiliary generators. Engines ordered on 27th October 1941 and delivered March/April 1942.

HMS Sakara      


Engines (per vessel): One 4RQ driving a 25 kW auxiliary generator set at 1,100 rpm. Engines ordered 26th November 1941 and delivered by end of September 1942. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Baluchistan      
HMS Carnatic
HMS Kathiawar
HMS Kuman
HMS Kuyber
HMS Rowhilkhand      

Destroyers - A and B Classes

Engines (per vessel): One 4RQ driving a 30 kW generator at 1,100 rpm.
Engines ordered November 1941 and delivered between January and October 1942. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Achates (H12)      
HMS Active (H14)
HMS Anthony (H40)
HMS Arrow (H42)
HMS Beagle (H30)
HMS Brilliant (H84)
HMS Bulldog (H91)
HMS Boadicea (H65)      
HMS Welshman      

Aircraft Carrier

Engines : Two 6RW driving 60 kW auxiliary generating sets at 1,000 rpm. Engines ordered and delivered in December 1941.

HMS Illustrious      

Destroyers - V Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 5RW, each driving a 50 kW generator at 1,000 rpm.
Engines ordered March 1942 and delivered between February and September 1943. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Valentine (R17)      
HMS Venus (R50)
HMS Verulam (R28)
HMS Vigilant (R93)      
HMS Virago (R75)
HMS Vixen (R64)
HMS Volage (R41)      
HMS Hardy

Destroyers - CA Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 5RW, each driving a 50 kW generator at 1,000 rpm.
Engines ordered August and November 1942 and delivered between May 1943 and March 1944. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Caesar (R07)
HMS Cambrian (R85)      
HMS Caprice (R01)
HMS Carrow (R30)
HMS Carysfoot (R25)
HMS Cassandra (R62)      
HMS Cavalier (R73)
HMS Cavendish (R15)      

Third sets were ordered for Caesar and Cavendish on 12th July 1945.

Destroyers - ? Class

Engines (per vessel): Three 5RW, each driving a 50 kW generator at 1,000 rpm.
Engines ordered November 1942 and delivered between February 1944 and January 1945. The vessels, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Cockade
HMS Comet
HMS Consort
HMS Contest
HMS Craccher
HMS Creole      
HMS Crescent
HMS Crusader      

Frigates - Loch Class

Engines (per vessel): One 6RW driving a 60kW auxiliary generator set at 1,000rpm.
The order/contract date for the bulk of the engines is 21st December 1942. Deliveries took place between September 1943 and July 1945. Vessels supplied with these engines, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Loch Achanalt
HMS Loch Achray (K426)
HMS Loch Affric (K601)
HMS Loch Alvie
HMS Loch Boisdale
HMS Loch Dunvegan (K425)      
HMS Loch Eck (K422)
HMS Loch Fada (K390)
HMS Loch Fyne (K429)
HMS Loch Glendhu (K619)      
HMS Loch Gorm (K620)
HMS Loch Insh (K433)
HMS Loch Katrine (K625)
HMS Loch Killin (K391)
HMS Loch Laxford
HMS Loch Maddy
HMS Loch Morelich
HMS Loch Quoich (K434)
HMS Loch Ruthven (K645)      
HMS Loch Roan
HMS Loch Scamadale
HMS Loch Scavaig (K648)
HMS Loch Tarbert (K431)
HMS Loch Veyatie (K658)

Frigates - Bay Class

Engines (per vessel): One 6RW driving a 60kW auxiliary generator set at 1,000rpm.
Engines delivered 1944-45. Vessels supplied with these engines, as recorded in the Paxman order book, were:

HMS Burghead Bay (K622)
HMS Enard Bay (K435)
MS Gerrans Bay (K436)      
HMS Herne Bay (K611)
HMS Hollesley Bay (K614)      
HMS Porlock Bay (K650)
HMS Wigtown Bay (K616)

Aircraft Carriers

Engines (per vessel): Three 12TP driving 200/220 kW auxiliary generating sets at 900 rpm. Engines delivered Feb-Apr 1943
Both vessels completed in 1944.

HMS Indefatigable      
HMS Implacable

Admiralty Depot Ships

Engines (per vessel): Two 6RXS driving 270 kW auxiliary generating sets. Engines delivered 1945.

HMS Boxer
HMS Kern
HMS Montdare      
HMS Ranpura
HMS Southern Prince      


LCT (Landing Craft Tank) Mk 8

Engines (per vessel): Four 12TPM for main propulsion.

Of the many LCT Mk 8 craft built during WW2, some were retained for service with the Royal Navy after the war. Among them were those listed below. The LCTs listed in the second column of the table (i.e. those with no name shown) had all been withdrawn from service by the end of 1960. Several others were sold off during the 1960s.

Aachen (L4062)
Abbeville (L4041)
Agheila (L4002)
Akyab (ex-Rampart) (L4037)      
Andalnes (L4097)
Antwerp (L4074)
Arezzo (L4182)
Arakan (L4164)
Audemer (L4061)
Agedabia (L4085)
Ardennes (L4073)
Arromanches (L4086)
Bastion (L4040)
Buttress (L4099)
Citadel (L4038)
Counterguard (L4043)      
Parapet (L4039)
Portcullis (L4044)
Redoubt (L4001)
Jawada (L4063)
Sallyport (L4064)

Daring Class Destroyers

Engines: Daring, Dainty, Defender and Delight each had three 6RPHZ. Duchess, Decoy, Diana and Diamond each had three 12RPHZ. All RPH Series I auxiliaries, driving generator sets. The engines order/contract date is 14th November 1944. The engines were delivered during 1949-50.

HMS Daring (D05)
HMS Dainty (D108)
HMS Defender (D114)      
HMS Delight (D119)
HMS Duchess (D154)      
HMS Decoy (D106)
HMS Diana (D126)
HMS Diamond (D35)

Above ships laid down at the end of WW2 but not completed until 1952/53.

The Paxman YHA Engine

Large numbers of British and allied ships, both naval and merchant, were lost or badly damaged by mines during the War. Two consequences of this were the need, after the war, to replace ships which had been lost and to improve our defensive capabilities for dealing with mine warfare. Part of the response to these needs was a decision to build substantial quantities of inshore minesweepers for which low magnetic signature engines were required. The engine chosen was Paxman's new 4 valve head, direct injection YH engine, which was first developed in its aluminium alloy Admiralty specification form (the YHA) for this purpose and appeared in 1952. Geoffrey Bone, a former Managing Director of Paxman, recalled frequent trips to Foxhill, near Bath, for discussions with the Navy on the development of the engine and the Navy's special requirements. The need for new minesweepers was given added urgency by the Korean War (1950-53) during which enemy mines again caused major problems. In Geoffrey Bone's view, the biggest headache faced by Paxman's senior management in the early 1950s was the pressure to produce YHA engines in the quantities the Navy wanted. Something of the scale of the task can be seen by the number of Ham Class minesweepers listed below, each of which had three 12YHAs. However, these were not the only vessels for which YHAs were required at the time. The YHA met the Navy's requirements so well that it became classified as an ASR (Admiralty Standard Range) 2 engine.

Inshore Minesweepers (IMS) Type 1 - Ham Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAXM (intercooled) for main propulsion, rated 550 bhp at 1,000 rpm. One 12YHAZ for pulse generation.

HMS Blunham
Ham Class Inshore Minesweeper HMS Blunham

Abbotsham (IMS87)
Altham (IMS02)
Arlingham (IMS03)
Asheldham (IMS04)
Bassingham (IMS05)
Bedham (IMS06)
Birdham (IMS85)
Bisham (IMS07)
Blunham (IMS08)
Bodenham (IMS09)
Boreham (IMS10)
Bottisham (IMS11)
Brantingham (IMS12)      
Brigham (IMS13)
Bucklesham (IMS14)
Cardinham (IMS15)
Chelsham (IMS16)
Chillingham (IMS17)
Cobham (IMS18)
Cranham (IMS19)
Damerham (IMS31)
Darsham (IMS21)
Davenham (IMS22)
Dittisham (IMS23)
Downham (IMS24)
Edlingham (IMS25)
Elsenham (IMS26)
Etchingham (IMS27)
Everingham (IMS28)
Felmersham (IMS29)      
Flintham (IMS30)
Frettenham (IMS20)
Fritham (IMS32)
Georgeham (IMS88)
Glentham (IMS33)
Greetham (IMS34)
Halsham (IMS35)
Harpham (IMS36)
Haversham (IMS37)
Hildersham (IMS42)
Hovingham (IMS39)
Inglesham (IMS01)
Isham (IMS40)
Kingham (IMS41)
Lasham (IMS38)
Ledsham (IMS43)
Littleham (IMS44)
Ludham (IMS45)
Malham (IMS89)
Mersham (IMS46)
Mickleham (IMS47)
Mileham (IMS48)
Neasham (IMS49)
Nettleham (IMS50)
Ockham (IMS51)
Odiham (IMS83)
Ottringham (IMS52)
Pagham (IMS53)
Pavenham (IMS54)
Petersham (IMS55)
Pineham (IMS56)
Polsham (IMS92)
Popham (IMS82)
Portisham (IMS81)
Powderham (IMS57)
  (later Waterwitch)
Pulham (IMS58)
Puttenham (IMS84)
Rackham (IMS59)
Rampisham (IMS86)
Reedham (IMS60)
Rendlesham (IMS61)      
Riplingham (IMS62)
Sandringham (IMS91)      
Saxlingham (IMS64)
Shipham (IMS63)
Shrivenham (IMS65)
Sidlesham (IMS66)
Sparham (IMS68)
Stedham (IMS67)
Sulham (IMS69)
Thakeham (IMS70)
Thatcham (IMS90)
Tibenham (IMS71)
Tongham (IMS72)
Tresham (IMS73)
Warmingham (IMS74)
Wexham (IMS75)
Whippingham (IMS76)
Wintringham (IMS77)
Woldingham (IMS78)
Wrentham (IMS79)
Yaxham (IMS80)
  (later Woodlark)

Base Minesweepers (BMS) Type 2A - Ley Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAM for main propulsion, each rated 350 bhp at 1,000 rpm.
(I once came across a note that Dingley and Brearley were fitted with Foden FD.6 auxiliaries; these were 6-cylinder 4.8 litre engines. It is not known if the other vessels in the class also had Foden auxiliaries.)

The eleven vessels in the class were built between 1952 and 1955.

HMS Aveley (BMS02)
HMS Brearley (BMS03)
HMS Brenchley
HMS Brinkley (BMS05)
HMS Broadley (BMS06)
HMS Broomley (BMS07) (renamed Watchful)    
HMS Burley (BMS08) (renamed HMS Squirrel)    
HMS Chailey (BMS09)
HMS Cradley (BMS10) (renamed Isis)
HMS Dingley (BMS01)
HMS Edgeley

LCM (Landing Craft Mechanized) Mk 9, now called LCU (Landing Craft Utility) Mk 9

Engines (per vessel): Two Paxman A6YHXAM for main propulsion, each rated at 312 bhp at 1,200 rpm. The A6YHXAM was a vee-form Mk 2 YH engine of aluminium construction. The drive end was coupled to the ahead/astern gearbox, and the free end to a hydraulic pump.

Designed for operation from the flooded sterns of Assault ships, the prototype L3507 was accepted into service in 1963 as was L3508. L700 to L711 were launched during 1965-66. HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid each carried four aboard. Others were operated by the Royal Marines.


L706, L711 and L710 were later re-engined with engines from other manufacturers.

Exercise Minelayer

Engines: Two 16YJCM for main propulsion and three 6YJCZ auxiliaries.

Built by John I Thorneycroft & Co of Southampton and completed in 1967.

HMS Abdiel (N21)    

MCMV (Mines Counter Measures Vessels) - Hunt Class

Engines (per vessel): Two Deltic 9-59K for propulsion and one Deltic 9-55B for pulse geneneration. The Deltic engine was originally developed by D Napier & Son at Acton, part of English Electric, before manufacture and overhaul was transferred to Paxman at Colchester in 1970.

Brecon, first in class, was launched in June 1978 and entered service in 1979.

HMS Brecon (M29)
HMS Ledbury (M30)
HMS Cattistock (M31)
HMS Cottesmore (M32)
HMS Brocklesbury (M33)      
HMS Middleton (M34)
HMS Dulverton (M35)
HMS Bicester (M36)
HMS Chiddingfold (M37)      
HMS Atherstone (M38)
HMS Hurworth (M39)
HMS Berkeley (M40)      
HMS Quorn (M41)

HMS SandownSingle Role Minehunter - Sandown Class

Engines (per vessel): Two in-line 6RPA200EM low magnetic Valentas for main propulsion, each rated 630 kWb at 1,450 rpm. The engines were designed with a low magnetic signature by utilising a degaussing system and low magnetic components.

The first of the twelve boats in this class, HMS Sandown (M101), was commissioned in 1989. The twelfth, HMS Shoreham M112, was formally accepted into service in November 2001 and commissioned in summer 2002.

The order for Paxman engines for the last seven to be built was worth £4,000,000 and was received in late 1994 or early 1995. These seven vessels were built by Vosper Thorneycroft (UK) Limited. (1)

HMS Sandown (M101)
HMS Inverness (M102)      
HMS Cromer (M103)
HMS Walney (M104)
HMS Bridport (M105)
HMS Penzance (M106)
HMS Pembroke (M107)      
HMS Grimsby (M108)
HMS Bangor (M109)
HMS Ramsey (M110)
HMS Blyth (M111)
HMS Shoreham (M112)      

HMS DroxfordSeaward Defence Boats - Ford Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAXM for main propulsion, rated 550 bhp at 1,000 rpm.

Built in the 1950s. LOA: 117' 2". Beam: 20'. Draught: 6' 6". Speed: 18 knots.

Right: HMS Droxford (P3113) in the Great Harbour, Greenock, in 1981. © Jack Russell

HMS Beckford was chartered in 1968, for about a year, by Plessey Marine for use as a trials vessel. For the duration of the charter, she was re-registered as a yacht 'Robert Clive'. She was subsequently transferred to the Liverpool RNVR and renamed HMS Dee.

HMS Shalford (P3101)
HMS Aberford (P3102)
HMS Axford (P3103)
HMS Beckford (P3104)
HMS Brayford (P3105)
HMS Bryansford (P3106)
HMS Camberford (P3107)  
HMS Desford (P3108)
HMS Greatford (P3109)  
HMS Gifford (P3111)
HMS Droxford (P3113)
HMS Mayford (P3114)
HMS Hinkford (P3115)
HMS Ickford (P3116)
HMS Dubford (P3119)
HMS Glassford (P3120)
HMS Kingsford (P3121)
HMS Marlingford (P3122)  
HMS Tilford (P3123)
HMS Montford (P3124)

Inshore Survey Craft - Echo Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAXM for main propulsion, rated 400 bhp/300 shp at 1,000 rpm.

HMS Echo (A70)
HMS Enterprise(A71)
HMS Egeria (A72)
HMS Waterwitch (M272) (formerly Ham Class minesweeper Powderham)    
HMS Woodlark (M2780) (formerly Ham Class minesweeper Yaxham)

Echo, Egeria and Enterprise completed 1958-59. Woodlark and Waterwitch completed 1959-60.

RAF Seal Class - Long range target towing and recovery vessels

Engines (per vessel): Two 16YJCM for main propulsion, rated 2,000 bhp at 1,485 rpm continous, 2,130 bhp at 1,500 rpm pursuit.

Sea Otter      

Twin screw. Seal built by Brooke Marine for MOD - Air. Sea Otter was RAF Seal Class from 1972 to 1985. In 1985 she became RN Bird Class and was renamed HMS Redpole - see below.

Bird Class Patrol Craft

Engines (per vessel): Two 16YJCM for main propulsion.

Redpole (P259)
Kingfisher (P260)
Cygnet (P261)
Peterel (P262)
Sandpiper (P263)      

Redpole was originally Seal Class 'Sea Otter' until becoming Bird Class in 1985 when she was renamed (see note in previous section). Completed by Fairmile Construction of Berwick-upon-Tweed in 1970, and rebuilt by Brooke Marine of Lowestoft in 1977, the vessel is now privately owned and named Badtz Maru, based at Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
The other four in class were built by Richard Dunston of Hessle, Humberside and completed between 1975 and 1977.

RAF RTTL (Rescue Target Towing Launches) Craft - Spitfire Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 8YJCM (1,000 bhp) for main propulsion.

Sunderland (256) (renamed HMS Cormorant)    
Stirling (257) (renamed HMS Hart)
RSC Alfred Herring VC (Y02) (Army Vessel)
RSC Michael Murphy VC (Y01) (Army Vessel)    

RSC Michael Murphy VCThese craft were built by James & Stone of Brightlingsea, Essex.
Hurricane and Wellington sold to Ghana as customs vessels in 2004.
RSC (Range Safety Craft) Alfred Herring VC (built 1978) and RSC Michael Murphy VC (built 1983) were the two boats of the 24 metre Honours Class, similar to the RAF Spitfire Class. RSC Alfred Herring VC was renamed RSC Petard. She was purchased from the MOD in 2004 by Matt Ward of Derbyshire and is now used for charter work.

Photo: RSC Michael Murphy VC off Cyprus c.1985. Paul Dashwood.

RSC Michael Murphy VC was later renamed RSC Falconet. She had new engine and gearbox control systems supplied and fitted in 1999.

MSBV - Mooring, Salvage & Boom Vessels

Engines (per vessel): One 16RPHM for propulsion and three 6RPHZ auxiliaries.

RMAS Mandarin (P192)
RMAS Pintail (P193)
RMAS Garganey (P194)      
RMAS Goldeneye (P195)
RMAS Goosander (A164)      
RMAS Pochard (A165)

Tenacity Class (Fishery Protection)

Engines (per vessel): Two 6YJCM Ventura engines, for main propulsion in cruising mode. The engines, ordered in August 1968 and despatched in March 1969, were built under Paxman Contract Nos 59969 & 59970, with Serial Nos 660029/2 & /3. Each rated 700 bhp at 1,500 rpm continuous.

HMS Tenacity (P276)    

LOA 144 feet, beam 26 feet. Built by Vosper Thorneycroft as a private venture and, after completion in 1969/70, offered to various navies which showed no interest. The vessel was purchased by the Royal Navy in January 1972 and converted by Vosper Thorneycroft, Portchester, for Fishery Protection duties. After completion of the conversion in March 1973, it entered service as HMS Tenacity (P276).
The vessel had a combined diesel and gas turbine propulsion system. The two Venturas were for main propulsion in cruising mode, at up to 16 knots, while three Proteus gas turbines were used for propulsion in high-speed or pursuit mode. The Venturas drove into handed ZF reduction gearboxes which were connected to David Brown gearboxes via SSS clutches. The David Brown gearboxes also took the drive from the outer gas turbines with their output being to the outer propeller shafts. The centre propeller was driven by the centre gas turbine only. The output of the Venturas is sometimes quoted as 1,200 bhp. This was the total propulsion power under diesel operation and probably related to the total shaft power out of the gearboxes, rather than the 1,400 bhp total output of the engines themselves. The vessel had a complicated double gearbox arrangement and it is perhaps reasonable to assume a loss of around 100 bhp per shaft.
Tenacity was sold out of RN service in 1985.

Island Class Offshore Patrol Vessels (Fishery Protection)

Engines (per vessel): Three 6RPHZ auxiliaries.

HMS Jersey (P295)
HMS Guernsey (P297)    
HMS Shetland (P298)
HMS Orkney (P299)
HMS Lindisfarne (P300)    
HMS Anglesey (P278)
HMS Alderney (P277)

Vessels completed between 1976 and 1979.

The following vessels were sold to Bangladesh and renamed as follows:
Jersey - BNS Shaheed Ruhul Amin (Training Vessel)
Guernsey - BNS Turag (P714)
Shetland - BNS Kapatakhaya (P912)
Lindisfarne - BNS Sangu (P713)
Anglesey - BNS Gomati (P914)
Alderney - BNS Karato (P913)

Orkney was sold to Trinidad and Tobago and became customs vessel TTS Nelson (CG20)

Castle Class Offshore Patrol Vessels, Mk II

Engines (per vessel): Three 6RPHCZ auxiliaries.

HMS Leeds Castle (P258)
HMS Dumbarton Castle (P265)      

Royal Yacht Britannia (A00)

Engine: One 6RXS for power generation. Engine No 50297 was originally fitted in the WW2 Submarine HMSM Viper as a main propulsion unit. It was removed from Viper in 1943, rebuilt by Paxman to serve as a diesel generator and fitted to Royal Yacht Britannia in 1953.

Britannia is moored at Leith, near Edinburgh, and open to the public. The Paxman RXS can be viewed by visitors. For more information about the history of Britannia and opening times go to

Hydrographic Survey Vessels

Engines (per vessel): Three 12YJCZ, each rated 1,165 bhp at 1,250 rpm, for diesel-electric main propulsion and two 6YJXZ auxiliaries.

Hecla, Hecate (built by Yarrow & Co) and Hydra completed 1966. Herald, built by Robb Caledon at Leith and completed 1974. LOA 79 metres, beam 15.4 metres, speed 14 knots.

HMS Hecla (A133)
HMS Hecate (A137)
HMS Hydra (A144) (sold to Indonesia)    
HMS Herald (H138)

RFA Fleet Replenishment Ships - Regent Class

Engines (per vessel): One A12YHAXZ (Mk 2 build of the YH) driving a W H Allen alternator rated at 300kWE at 900 rpm (an emergency generator set).

Both ships commissioned in 1967. Regent built by Harland & Wolff, Belfast and decommissioned 1993. Resource built by Scotts Shipbuilding, Greenock and decommissioned 1997.

RFA Regent (A486)
RFA Resource (A480)      

RFA Small Fleet Tankers - Rover Class

Engines (per vessel): Ten 8RPHCZ Mk 5 auxiliaries, comprising seven driving English Electric alternators rated at 340kWE at 1,200 rpm, two rated at 447 bhp at 1,500 rpm driving Drysdale cargo discharge pumps, and one driving a tandem set. The latter coupled to another EE alternator at the drive end and to a Drysdale cargo pump at the free end, running at 1,200 rpm for generating and 1,500 rpm for pumping.

Five in class, commissioned between 1969 and 1974. Built by Swan Hunter Shipbuilders on Tyneside: Green, Grey and Blue Rover at their Hebburn Yard; Gold and Black Rover at their Neptune Yard, Wallsend.

RFA Green Rover (A268)      
RFA Grey Rover (A269)
RFA Blue Rover (A270)
RFA Gold Rover (A271)
RFA Black Rover (A273)      

RFA Green Rover was sold to the Indonesian Navy in 1992 and is understood to have been recently decommissioned (2005-06 ?).
RFA Blue Rover was sold to the Portuguese Navy in 1993. Its RPH engines have been replaced.
RFA Grey Rover was decommissioned by the Royal Navy in March 2006.

RFA Fleet Replenishment Ships - Fort Class

Engines (per vessel): Eight 12RPHCZ Mk 7 auxiliaries, each driving GEC Machines alternators rated at 515 kW Electrical.

Four ships in class, but only two were fitted with Paxman RPH auxiliaries. Fort Rosalie (initially named Fort Grange) was commissioned in 1978 and Fort Austin in 1979. Both were built by Scott Lithgow of Greenock.

RFA Fort Rosalie (A385)      
RFA Fort Austin (A386)

The above vessels are still in service as at 2006. After more than 25 years service the Paxman 12RPHs were replaced c.2005/6 with engines of a different manufacture - Paxman ceased making RPH types of engine many years ago.
The other two ships in this class, Fort Victoria (A387) and Fort George (A388), are fitted with Ruston 8RKC Mk2 auxiliaries. They are about 50% larger than Forts Rosalie and Austin and have different capabilities.

Naval Armament Vessels

Engines (per vessel): Three 6RPHCZ for driving auxiliary gen-sets.

Commissioned between 1977 and 19??.

RMAS Throsk (A379)
RMAS Kinterbury (A378)
RMAS Arrochar (A382) (ex-St. George)      

After a short time as MV Throsk in the Falklands, RMAS Throsk is now BAE Calicuchima (TR62) with the Equador Navy.
RMAS Kinterbury has been sold by Babcock Disposal and arrived at Dunston Ship Repairs, William Wright Dock, Hull on 8th December 2005 for extensive modification to a Dynamic Positioning vessel. Her new owners are an American company and she is to retain the name Kinterbury.

Trials Ship (Torpedo Research)

Engines: Two 12YLCM for main propulsion and three 12RPHXZ auxiliaries.

Built by Scotts of Greenock and commissioned in 1971.

RMAS Whitehead (A364)      

Torpedo Recovery Vessels

Engines (per vessel): One 16RPHM for main propulsion and three 4RPHZ auxiliaries.

RMAS Torrid (A128)
RMAS Torrent (A127)      

T S Tugs - Confiance Class - c.1954

Engines (per vessel): Four 12YHAXM for main propulsion, each rated 450 bhp at 1,000 rpm, driving twin screws through M.W.D. reverse/reduction gearboxes. Two 6YHAZ in-line auxiliaries, each rated 100 bhp at 1,000 rpm, driving 100kW generators.

RMAS Confiance      
RMAS Confident
RMAS Agile
RMAS Advice
RMAS Accord      

Diesel-Electric Paddle Tugs - Director Class

Paddle Tug FaithfulEngines (per vessel): Four 12YHAXZ, each driving 339kW generators at 1,000 rpm, for diesel-electric propulsion system. (24 hour engine rating: 585 bhp at 1,000 rpm.)

Seven in class, built in 1957-58. more > >


Tug - Typhoon Class

Engines: Two A6YHAXZ auxiliaries.

Entered service in 1960.

RMAS Typhoon (A95)     

Tugs - Roysterer Class

Engines (per vessel): Three 8RPHCZ auxiliaries.

Entered service between 1972 and 1974

RMAS Roysterer (A361)
RMAS Rollicker (A502)      
RMAS Robust (A366)

Cruisers - Tiger Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAZ auxiliaries for emergency power generation.
(on HMS Tiger and HMS Blake: one forward located 3D starboard, and one aft located 3P port).

Commissioned between 1959 and 1961.

HMS Tiger (C20)      
HMS Lion (C34)
HMS Blake (C99)

Type 82 Destroyer

Engines: Three 16YJCAZ for primary power generation. (Main propulsion provided by an experimental steam and gas turbine system.)

HMS Bristol (D23)     

The only one of her type built, HMS Bristol was commissioned in 1973 and withdrawn from service in 1991. She is now berthed at Whale Island, Portsmouth   >> more.

Assault Ships

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAX auxiliaries for power generation.

Completed 1965-66.

HMS Fearless (L10)      
HMS Intrepid (L11)

Helicopter Carrier

Engine: One 12RP160 (Vega) for emergency power generation - the only Paxman Vega supplied to the Navy.

HMS Ocean      

Aircraft Carriers

Engines (per vessel): (information required) Hermes retrofitted with Ventura-driven 1,000kW gen-sets to carry additional electrical load.

HMS Hermes (R12) (completed 1958. Now Indian Navy 'Viraat')
HMS Ark Royal (prior to Invincible Class Ark Royal - see below)      

Carriers (CAH or CVS) - Invincible Class

Engines (per vessel): Eight 16RPA200 Valenta engines - six in module generator sets (in soundproofed, fireproofed, double mounted enclosures) and two in OMS (Outside Machinery (Salvage)) sets.

HMS Invincible (R05)
HMS Illustrious (R06)
HMS Ark Royal (R07)      

HMS Invincible was launched in 1977 and 'mothballed' in 2005, pending the construction of two new carriers for the Navy. In the summer of 2011 she was in the process of being broken up for scrap in Turkey.
HMS Ark Royal was built in 1978 by Swan Hunter at Wallsend, North Tyneside, and launched in 1981. She entered service on July 1, 1985 and was finally commissioned four months later. She was decommissioned early, on 11th March 2011 after 25 years in service, as part of the government's defence budget review and put up for auction on the MOD's website on 28 March 2011. In September 2012 it was announced that Ark Royal had been sold for scrap. In May 2013 the 22,000 ton ship was due to be towed to a scrapyard in Turkey.
HMS Illustrious, 22,000 tons, was built by Swan Hunter on the Tyne and launched in 1978. She was rushed into service to join the Falklands War effort and went on to sail more than 900,000 miles around the world on numerous deployments. She was decommissioned on 28th August 2014, at the end of a 32 year career.

Type 12 Mk I Frigates - Whitby Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHAZ auxiliaries, rated 230 bhp at 900 rpm.

The first Whitby Class ship, HMS Torquay, was completed in May 1956.

HMS Whitby (F36)
HMS Torquay (F43)
HMS Scarborough (F63)      
HMS Tenby (F65)
HMS Eastbourne (F73)      
HMS Blackpool (F77)

Type 12 Mk II Frigates - Rothesay Class

Engines (per vessel): Originally two 12YHAXZ (intercooled) auxiliaries, rated 300 bhp at 900 rpm, each driving a 450kW generator set. Subsequently replaced by two 8YJCAZ (Ventura).

HMS Berwick (F115)
HMS Brighton (F106)
HMS Falmouth (F113)
HMS Londonderry (F108)      
HMS Lowestoft (F103)
HMS Plymouth (F126)      
HMS Rhyl (F129)
HMS Rothesay (F107)
HMS Yarmouth (F101)

Type 12 Mk III Frigates - Leander Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHACZ auxiliaries for power generation. (ships built c.1963/64)

HMS Argonaut (F56)      
HMS Danae (F47)
HMS Juno (F52)
HMS Minerva (F45)      
HMS Phoebe (F42)
HMS Sirius (F40)

Engines (per vessel): Two 8YJCAZ auxiliaries for power generation. (ships built c.1965-71)

HMS Achilles (F12)
HMS Ajax (F114)
HMS Andromeda (F57)
HMS Apollo (F70)
HMS Ariadne (F72)
HMS Arethusa (F38)      
HMS Aurora (F10)
HMS Bacchante (F69)
HMS Charybdis (F75)
HMS Cleopatra (F28)      
HMS Dido (F104)
HMS Diomede (F16)
HMS Euryalus (F15)
HMS Galatea (F18)
HMS Hermione (F58)
HMS Jupiter (F60)
HMS Leander (F109)
HMS Naiad (F39)
HMS Penelope (F127)      
HMS Scylla (F71)

Type 14 Frigates - Blackwood Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YHA (naturally aspirated), driving General Electric Co generators, for power generation.

HMS Blackwood (F78)      
HMS Duncan (F80)
HMS Dundas (F48)
HMS Exmouth (F84)
HMS Grafton (F51)
HMS Hardy (F54)
HMS Keppel (F85)
HMS Malcolm (F88)      
HMS Murray (F91)
HMS Palliser (F94)      
HMS Pellew (F62)
HMS Russell (F97)

Type 81 GP Frigates - Tribal Class

Engines (per vessel): Two 12YJCAZ (Ventura) auxiliaries.

HMS Ashanti (F117)
HMS Eskimo (F119)
HMS Gurkha (F122) (sold to Indonesia)    
HMS Mohawk (F125)
HMS Nubian (F131)
HMS Tartar (F133) (sold to Indonesia)    
HMS Zulu (F124) (sold to Indonesia)

These frigates were commissioned between 1961 and 1964.

Type 21 GP Frigates - Amazon Class

Engines (per vessel): Four 12YJCAZ (Ventura) for primary power generation, each generator set having an output of 750 kW.

Completed between 1974 and 1978.

HMS Amazon (F169)
HMS Antelope (F170)
HMS Active (F171)
HMS Ambuscade (F172)      
HMS Arrow (F173)
HMS Alacrity (F174)
HMS Ardent (F184)
HMS Avenger (F185)      

All the Type 21 ships, except Antelope and Ardent which were sunk in the Falklands War, were sold to the Pakistan Navy.

Type 22 AS Frigates - Broadsword Class

Engines (per vessel): Four 16YJCAZ (Ventura) for primary power generation, except for Sheffield and Coventry which have four 12RPA200 (Valenta) as in the Batch 3 Type 22.
(Each vessel had four Rolls-Royce gas turbines for main propulsion - as part of a COGOG system for batches 1 and 2 except Brave, and a COGAG system for Brave and batch 3 ships.)

Batch 1 - subclass Broadsword Commissioned between 1979 and 1982.

HMS Broadsword (F88) (sold to Brazil)  
HMS Battleaxe (F89) (sold to Brazil)
HMS Brilliant (F90) (sold to Brazil)  
HMS Brazen (F91) (sold to Brazil)

Batch 2 - subclass Boxer Commissioned between 1983 and 1988.

HMS Boxer (F92)
HMS Beaver (F93)  
HMS Brave (F94)
HMS London (F95) (sold to Romania)
HMS Sheffield (F96) (sold to Chile)
HMS Coventry (F98) (sold to Romania)  

Batch 3 - subclass Cornwall Commissioned between 1988 and 1990.

Engines (per vessel): Four 12RPA200 (Valenta) for primary power generation.

HMS Cornwall (F99)
HMS Cumberland (F85)  
HMS Campbeltown (F86)  
HMS Chatham (F87)

County Class Guided Missile Destroyers

Engines (per vessel): Two 16YJCAZ (Ventura).

Completed between 1962 and 1970.

HMS Antrim (D18) (sold to Chilean Navy)
HMS Devonshire
HMS Fife (D20)
HMS Glamorgan (D19) (sold to Chilean Navy)   
HMS Hampshire
HMS Kent (D12)
HMS London (D16) (sold to Pakistan Navy)   
HMS Norfolk (D21) (sold to Chilean Navy)

Type 42 Destroyers - Sheffield Class

Engines (per vessel): Four 16YJCAZ (Ventura) for primary power generation. Each engine driving an AEI alternator with an output of 1,000kW.

Sheffield completed in 1974. Others in class completed during the later 1970s and the 1980s.

HMS Sheffield (D80) (sunk - Falklands 1982)
HMS Birmingham (D86)
HMS Cardiff (D108)
HMS Coventry (D118) (sunk - Falklands War)      
HMS Newcastle (D87)
HMS Glasgow (D88)
HMS Exeter (D89)
HMS Southampton (D90)      
HMS Nottingham (D91)
HMS Liverpool (D92)
HMS Manchester (D95)      
HMS Gloucester (D96)
HMS Edinburgh (D97)
HMS York (D98)

Type 23 ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) Frigates - Duke Class

Type 23 FrigateEngines (per vessel): Four 12RP200CZ (Valenta) for primary power generation, each producing 1.3MW at 1,234 rpm. (The Valentas are the prime movers for the diesel-electric propulsion element of the CODLAG (Combined Diesel-Electric And Gas Turbine drive) system. This is used when a ship is in 'slow speed silent mode' or manoeuvring or cruising.)

16 ships in the Class. The first of the class, HMS Norfolk, was ordered in October 1984. The final three were ordered in February 1996. Most were built by Yarrow Shipbuilders and the remainder by Swan Hunter Shipbuilders.

HMS Norfolk (F230)
HMS Argyll (F231)
HMS Lancaster (F229)
HMS Marlborough (F233)      
HMS Iron Duke (F234)
HMS Monmouth (F235)
HMS Montrose (F236)
HMS Westminster (F237)
HMS Northumberland (F238)      
HMS Richmond (F239)
HMS Somerset (F82)
HMS Grafton (F80)
HMS Sutherland (F81)      
HMS Kent (F78)
HMS Portland (F79)
HMS St Albans (F83)

As at January 2006, HMS Grafton is shortly to be decommissioned, having been sold to Chile.

Demonstrator Trimaran Frigate

RV TritonEngines: Two 12VP185, each rated at 2MWe, for diesel-electric main propulsion.

Launched and delivered in 2000.

RV Triton      

RV Triton was sold in 2004 to Gardline Geosurvey of Great Yarmouth, who carry out ocean survey work.

Other Classes to be included (number in class): Weapon (4), Escort Maintenance (3), Battle Class conversion (4), Mull of Kintyre, Girdleness - all had 12YHAZ or 12YHAXZ auxiliaries. Admiralty Floating Docks AFD 60 (at Faslane) - one 12YHAXZ auxiliary to supply shore power to docked vessels, and AFD 59.


Among overseas navies to which Paxman has supplied diesel engines for propulsion and/or auxiliary duties are:

Abu Dhabi Defence Force - Six Patrol Boats built by Vosper c.1974/75 - Al Adaid, Radoom, Zurara, Al Ghullan, Murban and Ghanadah. Each fitted with two 16-cylinder Valenta engines for main propulsion.
Argentine Navy
Bangladesh Navy - (i) Fast Patrol Craft 'Karnaphuli' re-engined in 1995 with two 12VP185s. (ii) Huangfen Class 110 metre Fast Attack Patrol Craft re-engined in 1997 with three 12VP185s, each rated 3,255kWb at 1,950 rpm, driving propellers through ZF gearboxes to give a top speed of 33 knots.
Burmese Navy - (Deltics - 'Dark' Class Motor Torpedo Boats)
Chilean Navy - Leander Class frigates, each with two Venturas to drive 550 kW generator sets.
Finnish Navy - (Deltics - 'Dark' Class Motor Torpedo Boats)
Guyanan Navy
Hellenic Navy - (Deltics - 'Nasty' Class FPBs)
Imperial Iranian Navy - (i) Four 'Alvand Class' Mk 5 Frigates designed by Vosper Thorneycroft, launched in 1968-69. Each with two 16-cylinder Ventura engines for use in cruising mode of the CODOG propulsion system. Each vessel also had four 6-cylinder Ventura auxiliaries. (ii) Support vessel 'Hengham' built by Yarrow & Co Ltd, Scotstoun. Four 12YJCM for main propulsion and four 6RPHCZ auxiliaries.
Indian Navy - Leander Class frigates, each with two Venturas to drive 550 kW generator sets.
Irish Navy - (Fishery Protection Vessels - 'Deidre', built by Verolme Cork Dockyard Ltd, three 6RPHCZ auxiliaries.)
Kenyan Navy - (i) Three Fast Patrol Boats, built by Vosper c.1966. Each with two 12YJCM, rated 1,455 bhp at 1,500 rpm (contracts 58478/83), driving through a ZF 1.5 : 1 reduction gearbox. (ii) Fast Patrol Boat 'Mamba', built by Brooke Marine, Lowestoft. Originally fitted with two 16YJCM engines for main propulsion and later re-engined with 12-cylinder Valentas for increased power and performance. (iii) Three Missile Boats, KNS Madaraka (P3121), KNS Jamhuri (P3122) and KNS Harambee (P3123), built by Brooke Marine and delivered in 1976. Each with two 16RP200M Valenta engines for main propulsion.
Malaysian Navy - HMS Panglina, a training ship built by United Engineers Ltd, Singapore, for the Malaysian RNVR; two 12YHAXM propulsion engines, each developing 500 shp.
Mexican Navy - 'Azteca' Class Patrol Craft - Two 12YJCM or 16YJCM per vessel for main propulsion. ('Jose Maria Izazagu', built by Scott & Sons (Bowling) Ltd: two 12YJCM.)
Nigerian Navy - Fast patrol boat 'Hadejia' built by Brooke Marine, Lowestoft. Two 12YJCM for main propulsion.
Norwegian Navy - 'Nasty' Class FPBs - Two Deltic T18-37K propulsion engines each.
Panamanian Navy - Two 103' fast patrol boats, built by Vosper Thorneycroft, each with two 12YJCM engines for main propulsion, having a combined output of 3,600 bhp.
Pakistan Navy
Peruvian Navy - 'Velarde' Class Fast Patrol Boats. Deltic engines for main propulsion.
Qatar Sea Arm - Six Patrol Boats built by Vosper c.1974/75 - Al Wusail, Barzan, Hwar, That Assuari, Al Khatab and Tariq. Each fitted with two 16-cylinder Valenta engines for main propulsion.
Royal Australian Navy - 'Attack' Class Patrol Boats - two 16-cylinder YJCM Venturas per vessel, each engine developing 1,730 bhp at 1,350 rpm (pursuit), 1,500 bhp at 1,250 rpm, driving through a ZF 4.5 : 1 reduction gearbox. These boats were commissioned between 1967 and 1969.
Royal Canadian Navy - Experimental Hydrofoil, 'HMCS Bras d'Or'.
Royal Libyan Navy - (i) 177 foot corvette (Vosper Mk 1 type), 'RLNS Tobruk', built by Vosper Ltd, Portsmouth. Two 16YJCM Venturas, each developing 1,900 bhp at 1,500 rpm, driving through ZF 4.5 : 1 gearboxes. Top speed 18 knots. (ii) Maintenance and repair ship 'Zeltin' (2,200 tons), built by J J Thornycroft, Southampton, and delivered in 1969. Two 16YJCM Ventura engines for main propulsion, driving through ZF gearbox; speed 15 knots.
Royal Netherlands Navy - (i) NATO Supply Vessel, Oceanographic Vessel, and Survey Vessels. (ii) Pilot vessel 'Spica' built by Amels in the Netherlands. Three 12RPHCZ for diesel-electric propulsion system. (iii) Two Tromp Class guided missile frigates, HNLMS Tromp and HNLMS De Ruyter, built by Royal Schelde Shipyard c.1974, each vessel having four 12-cylinder Valenta engines for power generation. (iv) Four LCF Air Defence and Command frigates: 'De Zeven Provincien' (F801), 'Tromp' (F802), 'De Ruyter' (F803), and 'Evertsen' (F804), commissioned in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively. Built by Royal Schelde at Vllissingen, each has four gen-set modules assembled by Paxman at Colchester. Each module is powered by a 12-cylinder VP185 producing 1,650 kWe at 1,800 rpm, providing electrical power for all on board requirements including weapons systems.
Royal New Zealand Navy - Four 107 foot, 25 knot, patrol craft built by Brooke Marine, Lowestoft, and commissioned in 1975: HMNZS Hawea, Pukaki, Rotoiti and Taupo. Each with two Ventura 12YJCM engines for main propulsion. Four Inshore Patrol Vessels built by Tenix Shipbuilding at their Whangarei yard. HMNZS Rotoiti and HMNZS Hawea launched in 2007, HMNZS Pukaki and HMNZS Taupo launched in 2008. (These replaced Hawea, Pukaki, Rotoiti and Taupo commissioned in 1975.) Each fitted with two twin box 12VP185 engines for main propulsion.
Royal Thai Marine Police - Three Patrol Boats, Lopburi Rames (1803), Damrong Rachanuphap (1802), and Chasanyabadee (1101), re-engined by Asian Marine Services. Each boat fitted with two 12-cylinder VP185 engines for main propulsion. Engines despatched 2003.
Royal Thai Navy - (i)Frigate built by Yarrow (c.1971), having four Ventura-driven generator sets, each rated 550kW. (ii) Three 62 metre Patrol Boats, RTNS Hua Him, RTNS Klaeng, and RTNS Si Racha, built by Asian Marine Services. Each with three 12-cylinder VP185 engines, each rated 2,524 kWb at 1,950 rpm, driving propellers through ZF gearboxes. Engines despatched late 1997. Regulateurs Europa engine control and monitoring equipment.
Sultanate of Oman Navy - (i) Flagship built by Brooke Marine Ltd, having two 12 YJCM (Ventura) engines for main propulsion and three 6RPHCZ 250kW alternator sets running at 1,500 rpm. (ii) Three fast patrol boats, built by Brooke Marine Ltd, Lowestoft, each with two 16YJCM Ventura engines, with a combined output of 4,800 bhp, for main propulsion. (iii) Four Province Class 56 metre Fast Strike Patrol Boats, built by Vosper Thorneycroft. Each powered by four 18-cylinder Valenta engines to give a total power output of 18,000 bhp and a top speed in excess of 38 knots. Al Sharqiyah, Dhofar and Al Bat'Nah completed c.1982, Mussandam built 1987. (iv) Nasr Al Bahr completed by Brooke Marine and having two 18-cylinder Valentas.
Surinam Navy
United States Navy - (i) 'Nasty' and 'Osprey' Class Fast Patrol Boats fitted with Deltic engines for main propulsion. (ii) Three Salvage and Rescue Ships, each with four 12 YLCM engines for main propulsion and four 8RPHCZ auxiliaries - see below for more details. (iii) Fourteen 'Cyclone' Class Patrol Boats Coastal, built by Bollinger Machine Shop and Shipyard Inc of Lockport, Louisiana. Each fitted with four Valenta 16RP200-1-CM engines for main propulsion. First of class completed 1991/2.
Yugoslav Navy - Motor Torpedo Boats fitted with Deltic engines for main propulsion.

The United States Navy Salvage and Rescue Ships referred to above were basically designed as large tugs with ocean-going capability. Twin screw. 3,125 tons displacement.

Engines (per vessel): Four 12YLCM for main propulsion, each rated 1,700 bhp at 900 rpm, driving two propeller shafts through 'two into one' Modern Wheel Drive gearboxes. The Starboard pair of engines were 'standard' rotation but the Port pair 'reverse' rotation. Four 8RPHCZ Mk 5 auxiliaries, each driving a 300kWe gen-set. The gen-sets themselves were built by Paxman, with Laurence Scott and Electromotors Ltd alternators.

USS Edenton (ATS 1)
USS Beaufort (ATS 2)
USS Brunswick (ATS 3)      

Built by Brooke Marine of Lowestoft. Edenton - laid down April 1967, commissioned January 1971; Beaufort - laid down February 1968, commissioned January 1972; Brunswick - laid down June 1968, commissioned December 1972.

All three vessels were decommissioned in 1996. Edenton was transferred to the US Coast Guard. Beaufort and Brunswick were sold to the South Korean Navy and are still (as at 2009) in service with it as the Pyong Taek and Kwang Yang respectively. The YL main engines have now been replaced by ones from another engine builder and the RPH driven gen-sets replaced with US built sets.

Numbers of Engines Suppied for Naval Applications as at February 1978

Found among old Paxman papers was a document which gives the following numbers of engines supplied or on order for naval propulsion and auxiliary duties, as at February 1978. As will be clear from the details above, many more engines have been supplied since that date.

Summary of Engines Supplied or On Order as at February 1978
Engine TypeNumber of Engines


1. CONNECT - A Newsletter for GEC ALSTHOM Diesels Ltd, No 3 Spring 1995, p.1.

Acknowledgements:   My thanks to the late M J (Mike) Gipson, P E (Peter) Holloway and P G (Phil) Alder who kindly provided some of the information for this page and fielded various queries. All three served in the Royal Navy for several years, where they gained experience of Paxman engines, before taking up subsequent careers with Paxman at Colchester. Thanks also to Don Meiklejohn (formerly Technical Support Engineer, MAN B&W Diesel Ltd, Paxman), Tony Smith of Radamec Control Systems Ltd, and Alex Landels.

© Richard Carr

Page updated: 14 Oct 2024 at 14:21